Enantia polycarpa is a small to a medium-sized tree found in West and Central African evergreen woods and belongs to the Annonaceae family. The African Yellow Wood is another name for it. Antimalarial activity of Enantia polycarpa extract was shown to be promising against both early and established infections. In studies of acute and established infections, the extract obtained a chemosuppression of parasitaemia of 75.8% and 72 percent, respectively, at 600 mg/kg.
Enantia polycarpa is a small to medium-sized tree with a trunk diameter of 40 cm and a height of 20 meters. The bark usually is smooth, but it can also be rough, and it's relatively thick, with a fibrous inner bark that ranges from black to greenish. Leaf-blade is oblong, elliptical, or obovate with a papery surface, 5–27 cm long and 4–8 cm wide, acuminate at the apex and rounded at the base, covered with stellate hairs below; petiole is sparsely pubescent, 3–8 mm long; leaf blade is oblong, elliptical, or obovate in form Pedicel is 0.9-1.9 cm long; sepals are three, triangular in shape, pubescent on the outside, slightly pubescent on the inside; petals are yellow when fresh, elliptic in outline, up to 3 cm long; pedicel is 0.9-1.9 cm long; pedicel is 0.9-1.9 cm long; pedicel is 0.9-1.9 cm long; pedicel is 0.9-1.9 cm long; pedicel is 0.9-1.9 The flowering season lasts from July through August.
Herbalists have traditionally utilized bark preparations to treat malaria-related symptoms, ulceration, and leprous patches. The stem bark is used to make houses, and the dye derived from the species is used to colour fabrics, mats, and leather. Order Enantia polycarpa online at affordable prices because of the sale of the products. The products are of the best quality. Save yourself some time and shop online from the comfort of your home.
Enantia polycarpa is a medium-sized found mainly in Africa. It is mostly used to make mats and leather