Hyptis Spicigera could be an erect, aromatic, annual herb up to 1 meter tall. The plant is usually grown as a food crop for its seeds in the areas of Tropical Africa. The side effects of this plant are not known till now. This plant ranges from Northern South America, Brazil and Peru to the North to the Caribbean and Central America to Mexico and Florida. The habitat in which this species is grown is generally in moist brushy slopes or open fields, a few times in oak forest and elevations up to 1,200 meters. The cultivation details of this species are not known. The essential oil extracted from this plant can be used as an insect repellent. This plant has also exhibited insecticidal activity. The plant can be febrifuge, expectorant, and parasiticide.
The seeds of this plant are eaten roasted and are also used as a flavoring for the stews and the sauces. The seeds are produced in the pulp and then put into the soups and stews. The oil generated from the seed is rich in linolenic acid. The leaves of this plant are cooked and then consumed as a vegetable. It is useful and has potential in paints and varnishes as an alternative to linseed oil. You can buy this plant at a low cost and with great quality if you want. You need to order Hyptis Spicigera online.
Hyptis Spicigera could be a yearly herb mostly natural to tropical and subtropical America but now is vastly spread to tropical Africa, Asia, and Australia. The plant has become a global weed in the Guinea Savannah Zone. The seed of this plant contaminates the pasture gas seed. You can buy Hyptis Spicigera online.