Kalanchoe Crenata could be an erect or ascending, evergreen perennial that grows up to 30 to 200cm tall. The fleshy stem of this plant is ordinarily unbranched that grows from a strong taproot. The species is usually harvested from the wild for regional use as a medicine. It is a few times grown in villages for its medical benefits. The hazards of this species are not known till now. The plant ranges from Tropical and Southern Africa. This plant is located in dry, open, stony habitats at elevations up to 2,000 meters. The cultivation details of this species are known.
The leaves of this plant are known to be antiemetic, antiseptic, sedative, and tonic. They have both the skills of purifying and mitigating. The boiled leaves of the species are used as a sedative in treating Asthma. A decoction is given to the women who are pregnant as a tonic. The leaves saps of the species are used as an antiemetic so that the milk flow could be increased and the intestinal pain could be calmed. The plant's root and leaf saps are used as an anti-malarial.
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Kalanchoe Crenata could be an ornamental herbaceous perennial succulent shrub making at least one to various erect stems. It is also called Kalanchoe, Mother of Millions, never die, Dog's liver, etc.